[IAUC] CBET 830: 20070203 : SUPERNOVAE 2006tg-2006tz

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Vie Jun 22 17:01:46 ART 2007

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 830
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS en CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
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SUPERNOVAE 2006tg-2006tz
     P. Challis and S. Blondin, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics;
T. Matheson, National Optical Astronomy Observatory; R. Foley, University of
California, Berkeley; S. Rodney, University of Hawaii; B. Leibundgut and J.
Spyromilio, European Southern Observatory, on behalf of the ESSENCE project
(cf. CBET 717, 772; IAUC 8427, 8464), report the discovery of 20 supernovae
on multiple R- and I-band images taken at the Blanco 4-m telescope (+ MOSAIC
II camera) during 2006 Dec. 13-23 by project members.  Spectroscopic
observations (range 380-890 nm) were obtained with the Keck I telescope (+
LRIS), the Keck II telescope (+ DEIMOS), the Very Large Telescope (+ FORS1),
the Magellan Baade Telescope (+ IMACS), and the Gemini Observatory (+ GMOS).
The table below includes the peak R magnitude (i.e., not necessarily at
the listed date of discovery), the spectroscopic redshift, and the
spectroscopic supernova type.
SN      2006 UT      R.A. (2000.0) Decl.      R      z    Type
2006tg  Nov. 28    2 04 14.171 - 4 40 18.67  22.2   0.52  Ia
2006th  Nov. 28   23 29 00.967 - 8 54 04.16  20.5   0.14  II
2006ti  Nov. 28   23 29 13.128 - 8 47 58.14  20.8   0.23  II
2006tj  Dec. 13    1 09 23.282 + 0 42 42.26  22.4   0.52  Ia
2006tk  Dec. 15    1 07 52.642 + 0 27 55.30  21.3   0.32  Ia
2006tl  Dec. 15    1 09 17.279 - 0 40 27.97  21.5   0.27  Ia
2006tm  Dec. 15    1 09 17.296 + 0 09 11.31  21.2   0.23  Ia
2006tn  Dec. 17    2 05 36.025 - 5 08 46.28  23.2   0.67  Ia
2006to  Dec. 17    2 07 34.386 - 4 00 04.22  23.2   0.68  Ia
2006tp  Dec. 17    2 09 14.042 - 4 37 12.18  23.4   0.72  Ia
2006tq  Dec. 17    2 10 00.698 - 4 06 00.91  22.1   0.26  Ic
2006tr  Dec. 17    2 28 29.535 - 7 53 28.51  23.2   0.58  Ia
2006ts  Dec. 19    2 10 18.686 - 3 32 26.32  22.5   0.56  Ia
2006tt  Dec. 19    2 10 47.926 - 4 24 56.92  23.4   0.63  Ia
2006tu  Dec. 19    2 29 56.537 - 7 59 50.79  22.2   0.44  Ia
2006tv  Dec. 19    2 35 34.225 - 8 34 22.03  23.5   0.76  Ia
2006tw  Dec. 21    1 08 54.227 + 0 17 56.50  21.6   0.40  Ia
2006tx  Dec. 21    1 10 26.783 - 0 34 07.49  22.6   0.50  Ia
2006ty  Dec. 21    1 10 45.362 + 0 34 04.46  20.5   0.19  Ia
2006tz  Dec. 21    2 10 27.034 - 4 17 08.23  22.9   0.39  II

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 February 3                  (CBET 830)               Daniel W. E. Green

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