[IAUC] IAUC 8807: V1280 Sco; 2006tg-2006ue; C/2003 C6 [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:01:29 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8807
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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     This nova (cf. IAUC 8803) has brightened greatly in the last
week.  Selected visual estimates (some from H. Yamaoka via VSNET,
and some sent by E. Waagen, AAVSO):  Feb. 8.323 UT, 8.0 (A. Amorim,
Florianopolis, Brazil); 10.844, 7.5 (K. Kanai, Gunma, Japan);
11.794, 7.0 (Kanai); 12.326, 6.5 (Amorim); 12.790, 6.2 (Kanai);
12.86, 6.6 (Y. Sakurai, Mito, Ibaraki-ken, Japan; via S. Nakano);
13.246, 6.0 (J. Ripero, Madrid, Spain); 14.782, 5.4 (Kanai);
15.215, 5.2 (Ripero); 15.851, 4.5 (Kanai); 16.212, 4.2 (W. Kriebel,
Schierling/Walkenstetten, Germany); 16.323, 3.9 (Amorim); 16.231,
3.8 (P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany); 16.458, 3.7 (M. Simonsen,
Imlay City, MI).
     H. Yamaoka, Kyushu University, writes that low-resolution
spectroscopy obtained by M. Fujii (Ibara, Okayama, Japan) on Feb.
12.88 and 14.83 UT, and by H. Naito (Nishi-Harima Astronomical
Observatory) on Feb. 14.86, shows a much bluer continuum than in the
spectroscopy taken on Feb. 5.87 (cf. IAUC 8803); the new spectra
resemble the spectrum of an F-type star.  Balmer lines (relatively
weaker than in the Feb. 5 spectrum) show clear P-Cyg profiles
(expansion velocity about 500 km/s), along with other weak lines.

SUPERNOVAE 2006tg-2006ue
     Twenty supernova discoveries (designated 2006tg-2006tz), all
peaking in the magnitude range R = 20.5-23.5, have been reported by
P. Challis on behalf of the ESSENCE team; three were classified as
of type II, one of type Ic, and the rest of type Ia (details on
CBET 830).  Also, five new type-Ia supernovae (designated 2006ua-
2006ue) found at Steward Observatory, all in the magnitude range g
= 21.5-22.7, were reported by D. Sand et al. (details on CBET 831).

COMET C/2003 C6 (SOHO)
     An additional Kreutz sungrazing comet has been found on
archival SOHO website images (cf. IAUC 8805).  K. Battams notes
that C/2003 C6 was stellar in appearance and faint (mag about 8).

 Comet        2003 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2003 C6    Feb. 8.179  21 41.0   -16 21   C3     RK   2007-B75

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 February 16               (8807)            Daniel W. E. Green

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