[IAUC] IAUC 8815: 2002 GZ_31; C/2006 X3-X10 [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:01:10 ART 2007

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2002 GZ_31
     K. S. Noll, Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI); W. M.
Grundy, Lowell Observatory; S. D. Kern, STScI; H. F. Levison,
Southwest Research Institute; and D. C. Stephens, Brigham Young
University, report the detection of a binary companion to the
transneptunian object 2002 GZ_31 (cf. MPECs 2002-K12, 2003-M16; MPO
66276).  The observations were made during 2006 Apr. 23.352-23.377
UT with the High Resolution Camera of the Advanced Camera for
Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope, using the clear filters with
one 300-s exposure at each of four dithered positions on the
detector.  The two components were separated by an angular distance
of 0".070 +/- 0".009 and differ in brightness by 1.0 magnitude.
The fainter component lies at a position angle of 352 +/- 10 deg
from the primary.  The projected separation of the objects in the
sky plane is 2060 +/- 270 km.

COMETS C/2006 X3-X10 (SOHO)
     Additional comets have been found on SOHO website images (cf.
IAUC 8813) -- all Kreutz sungrazers except for C/2006 X10 (Meyer
group).  K. Battams notes that C/2006 X3, C/2006 X5, C/2006 X6,
C/2006 X8, and C/2006 X9 were all extremely faint (mag about 8.5).
C/2006 X3, which was observed during a solar-particle storm that
hit the SOHO spacecraft, appeared diffuse.  C/2006 X4 was stellar
in appearance and reached mag about 6 in C3 images, while C2 images
showed a hint of a very faint tail.  C/2006 X5 was very diffuse and
elongated.  C/2006 X6 was tiny and slightly diffuse.  C/2006 X7 was
stellar in appearance in C3 images, of mag about 6.5, while C2
images showed it as slightly diffuse with a hint of a faint tail.
C/2006 X8 was stellar in appearance.  C/2006 X9, which was also
found by R. Kracht, was a very diffuse blob.  C/2006 X10 was
stellar in appearance, reaching mag about 7.5.

 Comet       2006 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2006 X3   Dec. 9.567   17 06.8   -24 43   C2     BZ   2007-C40
 C/2006 X4       10.513   17 08.9   -26 51   C3/2   TS   2007-C40
 C/2006 X5       10.550   17 11.4   -24 49   C2     MM   2007-C40
 C/2006 X6       11.675   17 16.4   -24 53   C2     XG   2007-C40
 C/2006 X7       11.988   17 17.0   -26 10   C3/2   HS   2007-C41
 C/2006 X8       12.567   17 20.9   -24 55   C2     BZ   2007-C41
 C/2006 X9       15.204   17 34.6   -25 01   C2     TH   2007-C41
 C/2006 X10      15.479   17 30.3   -22 17   C2     RK   2007-C41

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 February 28               (8815)            Daniel W. E. Green

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