[IAUC] IAUC 8826: Sats OF JUPITER, SATURN; RING OF URANUS; 2006 VV_2 [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 16:59:46 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8826
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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     Further to IAUC 8502 and 8730, the IAU Working Group for
Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN) has approved the following
new designations and names of satellites of Jupiter and Saturn:

    Jupiter XLIX    Kore        = S/2003 J 14

    Saturn XXXVI    Aegir       = S/2004 S 10
    Saturn XXXVII   Bebhionn    = S/2004 S 11
    Saturn XXXVIII  Bergelmir   = S/2004 S 15
    Saturn XXXIX    Bestla      = S/2004 S 18
    Saturn XL       Farbauti    = S/2004 S 9
    Saturn XLI      Fenrir      = S/2004 S 16
    Saturn XLII     Fornjot     = S/2004 S 8
    Saturn XLIII    Hati        = S/2004 S 14
    Saturn XLIV     Hyrokkin    = S/2004 S 19
    Saturn XLV      Kari        = S/2006 S 2
    Saturn XLVI     Loge        = S/2006 S 5
    Saturn XLVII    Skoll       = S/2006 S 8
    Saturn XLVIII   Surtur      = S/2006 S 7

     The IAU WGPSN has recently designated the Uranian ring 1986 U
2R (cf. IAUC 8373; Stone and Miner 1986, Science 233, 39) the "zeta

2006 VV_2
     L. A. M. Benner, S. J. Ostro, and J. D. Giorgini, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology
(CIT); M. W. Busch, CIT; R. Rose, M. A. Slade, and R. F. Jurgens,
JPL/CIT; M. C. Nolan and A. A. Hine, Arecibo Observatory; G. J.
Black, University of Virginia; and L. M. Carter, Smithsonian
Institution, report that Goldstone (8560 MHz, 3.5 cm) and Arecibo
(2380 MHz, 12.6 cm) radar observations during Mar. 27-Apr. 3 reveal
that the minor planet 2006 VV_2 (cf. MPEC 2006-V47, 2006-W87),
which passed only 0.0226 AU from the earth around Mar. 31.25 UT
(with computed V = 10.0) and has H = 16.7 (MPO 118180), is a binary
system.  Preliminary estimates for the component diameters are 1.8
and > 0.3 km.  The maximum orbital distance between the components
is at least 1.5 km.

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 April 5                   (8826)            Daniel W. E. Green

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