[IAUC] IAUC 8864: 2007cw-2007gv [25139-2008/05-R1]

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Vie Ago 24 23:13:52 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8864
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SUPERNOVAE 2007cw-2007gv
     Further to IAUC 8860, various CBETs have announced numerous
new supernovae discovered on unfiltered CCD frames:  2007fb, 2007fc,
2007fo, 2007fq, 2007fr, 2007fs, 2007ge, 2007go, and 2007gr by W. Li
et al. (LOSS); 2007fp by T.-w. Chen et al. (Taiwan Supernova Survey;
cf. IAUC 8843); 2007ft by A. Klotz (cf. IAUC 8860); 2007gi by K.
Itagaki (cf. IAUC 8843); 2007gj and 2007gq by L. A. G. Monard (cf.
IAUC 8843); 2007gk by A. Sehgal, J. Newton, and T. Orff (cf. IAUC
8851); and the rest by the "Nearby Supernova Factory" collaboration
(on CBETs 990, 991, 996, 1007, 1009, 1011, 1013, 1014, 1024, 1026,
1031, and 1040).  Discovery observations tabulated for those
objects reported to be brighter than mag 17:

SN      2007 UT       R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2007fb  July  3.47   23 56 52.37  + 5 30 31.8  15.7   12".8 W, 2".5 N
2007fc  July  8.45   23 57 33.89  -21 59 53.0  16.9   22".9 E, 8".5 N
2007fp  Feb. 26.79   10 42 18.21  - 0 22 38.4  16.3   3".6 E, 1".6 S
2007fs  July 15.44   22 01 40.44  -21 30 29.6  15.4   12".4 E, 2".5 N
2007ft  July 15.02   12 47 03.7   -41 35 22    16.0   73" E, 21" S
2007gi  July 31.49   12 01 23.42  +61 53 33.8  16.3   23" W, 11" S
2007gj  Aug.  4.12    2 19 33.85  -37 48 44.2  16.2   44" W, 22" N
2007gq  Aug. 11.70   12 35 11.22  - 0 13 21.6  16.6   8" E, 6" S
2007gr  Aug. 15.51    2 43 27.98  +37 20 44.7  13.8   24".8 W, 15".8 N

Published data on CBETs:  2007fq in MCG -04-48-19, CBET 1001;
2007gj in ESO 298-28, CBET 1022; 2007gq in NGC 4541, CBET 1033.
Data for type-Ia supernovae:  2007fb in UGC 12859, CBETs 992, 993;
2007fc in ESO 538-G8, CBETs 995, 998; 2007fr, CBET 1001; 2007fs in
ESO 601-G5, CBETs 1002, 1003 (the offset above corrected from that
given on CBET 1002); 2007ft in NGC 4677, CBETs 1004, 1005; 2007ge
in MCG +08-1-13, CBETs 1012, 1014; 2007gi in NGC 4036, CBETs 1017,
1021; 2007gk in MCG +11-20-27, CBETs 1023, 1025.  Data for the
type-Ib or -Ic supernovae:  2007fo in NGC 7714, CBETs 997, 1001;
2007go in ESO 475-G16, CBETs 1028, 1037; 2007gr in NGC 1058, CBETs
1034, 1036, 1041.  2007fp in NGC 3340 is a type-II supernova (cf.
CBETs 976 and 1000).  SNe 2007db, 2007dy, 2007ea, 2007eb, 2007eq,
2007ff, 2007fj, 2007fn, 2007gg, and 2007gl are also of type Ib or
Ic; 2007dp, 2007dq, 2007dw, 2007ed, 2007ef, 2007eh, 2007el, 2007em,
2007er-2007eu, 2007ew, 2007fa, 2007fe, 2007fg, 2007fk-2007fm,
2007fv, 2007fw, 2007fy-2007ga, 2007gh, 2007gm, and 2007gs are of
also of type II (the remainder are type-Ia supernovae).

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 August 24                 (8864)            Daniel W. E. Green

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